Tournament Info

Tournaments are played at Loyal Oak on usually the second Wednesday of the month. Tournaments are played in June, July, August, & September.

Exceptions can occur because of holidays. Play usually starts about 8:00AM with the tournament director reviewing the rules for the day's play. Teams are determined by handicap and the day's play is determined by the tournament chairman. Everyone rides in a cart and it is a shotgun start.

Play Days are "rain or shine" no refunds if weather cancels the event.

Leading up to"Play Day"

Tournament "Play Day"

All the tournaments are played on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in June, July, August, and September.
Tournament rules (format) will be emailed prior to Play Day and reviewed at the clubhouse meeting that day.

2025 "Play Days":  June 11, July 9, August 13, and September 10