October 8, 2024

Call to Order:  Vice-Chairman Ed Sims called the meeting to order at 8:45AM with 46 Members in attendance.

Moment of Silence was requested by Vice-Chairman Sims for Dave Amato who passed away since our April 2nd Spring Breakfast.

Invocation: Terry Bartlett

Recessed for Breakfast and the meeting was called back to order by Vice-Chairman Sims at 9:15AM.

Thanks to the following by Vice-Chairman Sims:


·        Charlie Shook for a hearty breakfast at Houston Hall.

·        Joe Miller for serving as our Tournament Chairman for two years.

·        Terry Avant & Floyd Crognale for serving as Food Committee Co-Chairman.

·        Dave Elzemeyer as Nominating Committee Chairman.

·        Tony Virgalitti as Starter Committee Chairman.

·        John Boal for completing 5 years on the Board today! Volunteered when Vice-Chair had to resign in 2019 and served as Nominating & Membership Chairman in 2023!

·        Tom Golenski as Starter at Loyal Oak & Chenoweth for the past 8 years and will continue in 2025!

·        Pat Rochford as League Treasurer.

·        John Eichenlaub as Statistician and Website Manager.

·        Chuck Wilson as Secretary.

·        A “Special Welcome” to our Chairman, Keith Limbacher who was able to join us today after completion of heart bypass surgery in September.  It’s great to see you again!!

·        Reminder – Volunteers make all of our League activities possible!!



Officer and Committee Reports:


Secretary – Chuck WilsonApproval of the April 2nd Breakfast Meeting Minutes were unanimously approved after a motion by John Conti and a second by Bob Brownfield.


Treasurer – Pat Rochford: Dues ($30) and Initiation Fee ($20) will remain the same in 2025.  Estimated Checkbook Balance at the end of calendar year 2024 is $2,263.43. Thanks to backup Bob McConnell. Financial statements are available upon request.




Statistician/Website Manager – John Eichenlaub:  Thanks to Max Devia who is serving as backup.  Special recognition in 2024 – Joe Sladic, most improved handicap, -5.37 and David St. John – Iron Man at most rounds played, 53.  The 2024 Year-end Statistical Report is an attachment with the Minutes e-mail; 2,138 rounds were played requiring 99,352 strokes.  The website login password for Member e-mails and phone numbers will be e-mailed to all Members, the first week of January.


Membership Committee – John Boal:  10 new members were registered for 2024.  The final count for paid members for 2024 was 96.


Starter Committee – Tony Virgalitte:  Special thanks to all the new Starter Volunteers who made the year a success: Dan Bishop, Ken Kot and Max Devia. Also, to Dave Elzemeyer, Keith Limbacher, John Boal and Chuck Wilson who helped when required.  Special thanks to Tom Golenski as the regular Wednesday and Friday Starter.


Tournament Committee – Joe Miller: Thanks to the Committee: Dan Bishop, Dale Brown, Joe Crookston and Joe Toris who made every Play Day a success. Thanks to Ken Kot for becoming the Chairman in 2025.


Food Committee – Co-Chairs Terry Avant and Floyd Crognale:  Thanks to Bill Cindar who assisted with donuts and serving.  Terry will order all new supplies for 2025.  Floyd will continue with the same four entrees from Leach’s: pulled pork, Salisbury steak, chicken alfredo and lasagna rollup.


Chairman’s Report – Ed Sims


Nominating Committee – Dave Elzemeyer placed the following names in nomination for 2025 Officers:

·        Chairman – Ed Sims

·        Vice-Chairman – Dale Brown

·        Treasurer – Pat Rochford

·        Secretary – Chuck Wilson

·        Statistician/Website Manager – John Eichenlaub

Duke Wilson seconded the motion, and all members voted their unanimous approval.


Not elected, but will serve in the following positions for 2025:

·        Starters – Keith Limbacher

·        Nominations – Tony Virgalitte

·        Membership – Dave Elzemeyer

·        Tournament Chairman – Ken Kot

·        Food Committee – Co-Chairmen, Terry Avant and Floyd Crognale.



Old Business

·        Starters for 2025 – Anyone interested in becoming a Starter in 2025, contact Keith Limbacher. Will be primarily at Good Park for blocks of Mondays.


New Business

·        Polo Shirts with SSSGL Logo – Via a show of hands more than 50% of the Members are interested in purchasing polos for 2025 in the range of $30 per shirt.  Dan Bishop and Chuck Wilson will submit a proposal to our Officer Team.

·        Confirmation letters for 2025 have been sent to all courses, Good Park, Loyal Oak & Chenoweth.

·        Winter Breakfasts –  to start Monday, 10/14, e-mail will be sent this week.

·        Winter Golf – If interested in playing send your e-mail address to Joe Casalinova

·        Annual Newsletter will be sent to all Members in February 2025.


Vice-Chairman Sims – “Thanks to everyone for attending today and making 2024 a successful season of golfing!”


Door Prizes


Loyal Oak 9 Holes walking passes:  John Kropac, Joe Toris, Joe Cass, Duke Wilson, Bob McConnell, Dave Elzemeyer, Terry Bartlett, Floyd Crognale, Don Rearick, Charlie Shook, Ken Giebel.  


Chenoweth 9 holes riding passes: Tony Virgalitte, Roger Taylor, Ken Kot, Keith Limbacher, Bob Krekow.


Good Park 9 holes riding passes: Pete Effinger, Rich Golenski, John Conti, Bob Brownfield.


$20 Cash: Joe Miller, Dan Bishop, Bob Hill, Joe Palmiero, John Beltich, Tom Golenski, Larry Fick, Joe Gibson, Pat Oberlander, Merle Mackey.


$50 Cash:  Dick Wendelken, Bob Neal.


Spring Breakfast Meeting will be Tuesday, April 8th at Houston Hall.


Vice-Chairman Sims adjourned the meeting at 10:05AM.



(Minutes prepared by Secretary, Chuck Wilson, October 9, 2024)