2024 Spring Breakfast Meeting Minutes 



April 2, 2024

Call to Order: Chairman Keith Limbacher called the meeting to order at 8:45AM with 40 Members in


Moment of Silence was requested by Chairman Limbacher for Stan Durbin, Bob Kennedy and Jim

Schweier who passed away since our Fall Breakfast.

Invocation: Duke Wilson.

Recessed for Breakfast and the meeting was called back to order by Chairman Limbacher at 9:20AM.

Thanks to the following:

Charlie Shook for another tasty breakfast at Houston Hall.

Duane Powell and John Eichenlaub for redesigning web site.

Joe Miller for volunteering to be 2024 Tournament Committee Chairman.

Terry Avant and Floyd Crognale for volunteering to be 2024 Food Committee Chairman.

Special thanks to John Boal who will complete his tenue after having actively served 5 years on our

Board starting as Vice-Chairman, then Chairman, Starter Chairman, Nominations Chairman and this year

as Membership Chairman!

Reports provided as follows:

Secretary, Chuck Wilson: Motion made by Bob Brownfield to approve the Fall Members Meeting

Minutes, second by Joe Gibson and all Members approved. Minutes are posted on our website.

Treasurer, Pat Rochford: The League’s 12/31/2023 closing cash balance was $2,333.66. For the 2024

Budget a closing balance of $2,179 is projected. For 2024, 85 Members have paid their dues as of today,

and the count includes 7 New Members. Contact Pat if you would like a copy of the 2023 financial

statement or the 2024 budget.

Statistician, John Eichenlaub: Projecting 90 Members for 2024. New Member ID cards will be mailed

during the next week. Contact John if you require a new ID card. John will e-mail the new website

password for 2024 to all Members.

Membership Committee, John Boal: New members to date are - Ron Klamert, Joe England, Terry

Bartlett, Jeff Weekly, Pete Ugucciwi, Wade Merrow, and Jeff Ballway. Terry Bartlett was present and

introduced to all Members.

Nominating Committee, Dave Elzemeyer: Thanks to Ed Sims for volunteering to be our Vice-Chairman

for 2024. Dave will be seeking a Volunteer for our 2025 Vice Chairman.

Starter Committee, Keith Limbacher for Tony Virgalitte: Special thanks to Tom Golenski for again serving

as our regular Wednesday & Friday Starter!! Monday Starters at Good Park will be Ken Kot, Dan Bishop

Brian Fredericks, and Max Devia.

Tournament Committee, Joe Miller: Committee Members are – Dale Brown, Joe Toris, and Joe

Crookston. The first Play Day is Wednesday, June 12th at Loyal Oak and will be a 4-man scramble. For

winners, 2 Teams will be paired in a blind drawing for places 1, 2 ,3, etc.

Food Committee Co-Chairmen, Terry Avant & Floyd Crognale: Terry will coordinate all beverages and

containers; notify him if changes are required. Floyd has contacted Leach’s Catering for the food service

we will have the same menu as last year. 2024 prices are not yet available. Bill Cindar will make sure we

have an adequate supply of doughnuts for every Play Day!

Chairman’s Report, Keith Limbacher:

There is good information on the SSSGL Website. Highly recommend everyone review the “Ready Golf”

information page under the Golf Tips Link. There you will also find very informative Amato Tips also.

We all need to be conscience of the golf courtesies of Ready Golf this season, especially at Chenoweth.

Golf Schedule:

 The first day of play is Wednesday, May 1st at Loyal Oak. Last Day is Monday, September 30th at

Good Park.

 National Holidays: There will be no League play; Monday, May 27th or Monday, Sept. 2nd. There

will be League play on Wednesday, July 3rd and Friday, July 5th.

 Starting Procedure:

For 9 holes: The daily starting procedure using ID cards for 9 holes will be used. ID

cards must be in by 8:15AM at Good Park & Loyal Oak. Cards and in by 7:45AM at

Chenoweth. New for 2024: 9-hole Tee Time at Chenoweth will be 8:00AM.

 For 18 holes: Go directly to the first tee. 18 hole starting times are:

7:45AM at Good Park, 8:00AM at Loyal Oak and 7:45AM at Chenoweth. Check with the golf

course Starter; do not tee off early unless approved by the course’s Starter.

 Play Day Tournaments: 2024 Play Day scrambles are scheduled for the second Wednesday of

each month; June 12th, July 10th, August 14th, and September 11th, all at Loyal Oak. Arrive by

7:30AM, pay $25 cash for 18 holes ($2 discount); play will start at 8:00AM. Play Day

registration is $10 to be paid at the Starter’s table on or before the Monday preceding each event.

Play Days are rain or shine with no refunds.

First Day of play is May 1st at Loyal Oak.

2024 Rates are:

Golf Course 9 holes w/cart 9 holes


18 holes w/cart 18 holes walking

Goodpark 19 13 30 18

Loyal Oak 19 12 27 20

Chenowith 20 16 34 26

Blind Bogey at $1.00 was considered a success and will remain this year as last.

New Business, Keith Limbacher:

April 2023 - Bylaws, changed to "recommended" not required that Members play 15 times and those

over 80 play 5 rounds respectively. October 2023 - Local Playing Rules were changed - Item 3 - On any

one of the first 9 tees, a golfer may hit a second ball (Breakfast Ball) and use the better of the two.

Door Prizes, Chairman Limbacher:

Loyal Oak (5 passes) 9 walking: Pete Effinger, Jim Petruccio, Larry Becker, Joe Gibson, Greg Smith.

Good Park (4 passes) 9 riding: Gene Kiefer, Dale Brown, Terry Bartlett, Charlie Shook.

Chenoweth (4 passes) 9 riding: Duke Wilson, John Kropac, Ken Kot, Max Devia.

$20 Cash (10): Tom Golenski, Frank Tokash, Floyd Crognale, Merle Mackey, John Boal, Pat Oberlander,

Don Rearick, Joe Toris, Bob McConnell, Len Sikora.

$50 Cash (2): Bill Cinadr, Bob Brownfield.

Fall Breakfast Date, October 1, 2024.

Adjournment, Chairman Limbacher adjourned the meeting at 10:00AM.

(Minutes prepared by Chuck Wilson, Secretary – April 2, 2024)